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Term Definition
Even-pinnate leaf Pinnately compound leaf with an even number of leaflets; i.e., without a terminal leaflet. Same as parapinnate. Pinnately compound leaves. Drawing by Bobbi Angell.
Odd-pinnate leaf Pinnate with an odd number of leaflets; i.e., without a terminal leaflet. Same as imparipinnate. Pinnately compound leaves. Drawing by Bobbi Angell.
Pinnate Feather-like; generally referring to the arrangement of veins along a midrib of a leaf blade or to leaflets along a rachis in a way that resembles the structure of a feather. Pinnately compound leaves. Drawing by Bobbi Angell.
Pinnate (pinnately compound leaves) Bearing leaflets along a common axis or rachis. See paripinnate and imparipinnate. Pinnately compound leaves. Drawing by Bobbi Angell.
Pinnate venation A type of venation pattern in which the secondary veins run parallel to each other from the midrib toward the margin. Camptodromous leaf venation.