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Term Definition
Papilla (plural = papillae, adj. = papillate) Small projections that are often found on leaf blade surfaces. Papillae usually represent modifications of the cuticle. Papillate leaf blade surface of Lecythis poiteaui. Photo by D. Black.
Papilla (plural = papillae; adj. = papillate) Referring to an abaxial leaf blade surface or a stigma that bears minute protuberances that appear to be outgrowths of the cuticle of the leaf blade or of the stigma. Papillate abaxial leaf blade surface of Bertholletia excelsa. Photo by C. Gracie.
Papillae Minute, rounded protuberances that may cover a surface, e.g., the abaxial leaf blade surfaceae. Abaxial leaf blade surface of the Brazil nut. Photo by C. A. Gracie