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Displaying 1 - 11 out of 11 Object(s)
Term Definition
Crassinucellate ovules The presence of two or more cell layers between the megasporophyte and the epidermal cells in the early development of the megasporophyte which will develop into the ovule. Tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules. Drawing by C.-H. Tsou.
Crassinucellate ovules The presence of two or more cell layers between the megasporophyte and the epidermal cells in the early development of the megasporophyte. The megasporophyte develops into the embryo sac which contains the egg that, if fertilized and the conditions are right, will develop into the embryo. Tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules. Drawing by C.-H. Tsou.
Ovules Structures that arise from placentae in the ovary locules. Among other cells, the egg and two polar nuclei are found in the ovule. After fertilization, the egg develops into an embryo and the polar nuclei develop into endosperm which, along with the seed coat, form the seed.. Placentation of Gustavia grandibracteata as seen in cross section. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Ovules anatropous Referring to a curved downwardly oriented ovule in such a way that the micropyle is close to the funicular attachment. Unitemic and bitegmic ovules. Drawing by C.-H. Tsou.
Ovules bitegmic An ovule with two integuments. Parts of an ovule. Drawing by C.-H. Tsou.
Ovules horizontally oriented Ovules projecting outward at right angles from the vertical axis of the ovary. Placentation of Allantoma lineata. Photo by C. Carollo.
Ovules obliquely oriented downward Placentation of Allantoma lineata. Photo by C. Carollo.
Ovules obliquely oriented upward Ovules projecting upward at less than right angles from the vertical axis of the ovary. Placentation of Allantoma lineata. Photo by C. Carollo.
Ovules pendulous Ovules that hang downward from the septum at apex of the locule with the micropyle facing upward. Placentation of Grias neuberthii. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Ovules tenuinucellate The presence of no cells or a single cell layer between the megasporophyte and the epidermal cells in the early development of the megasporophyte. Tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules. Drawing by C.-H. Tsou.
Ovules tenuinucellate The presence of no cells or a single cell layer between the megasporophyte and the epidermal cells in the early development of the megasporophyte. The megasporophyte develops into the embryo sac which contains an egg that, if fertilized and the conditions are right, will develop into an embryo. Tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules. Drawing by C.-H. Tsou.