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Term Definition
Ovule orientation The relationship between the direction that an ovule departs from the middle of the placenta in relation to the long axis of the ovary (equals the orientation of the lower/upper septum), as seen in a medial longitudinal section.
Ovule orientation horizontal Refers to an ovule that departs from the middle part of the placenta at a more-or-less 90 degree angle as seen in longitudinal section. Placentation of Allantoma lineata. Photo by C. M. Potascheff
Ovule orientation oblique An ovule that departs from the middle part of the placenta at an angle less than 90 degrees as seen in a longitudinal section. The angle is the upper angle of a line drawn through the ovules and intersecting with the vertical axis of the ovary as seen in longitudinal section. Placentation of Couratari oligantha. Photo by C. Carollo.
Ovule orientation pendulous An ovule that departs from a poorly developed placenta that hangs downward at the apex of the locule as seen in a longitudinal section of the ovary. Placentation of Grias cauliflora. Photo by N. P. Smith.