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Term Definition
Narrowly oblong Referring to a two dimensional shape in which the greatest width extends throughout a middle zone at least one-third the length of the blade (in this zone the margins are more-or-less parallel) and the length to width ratio is 3:1 to less than 6:1. Narrowly oblong. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Oblong Referring to a two dimensional shape in which the greatest width extends throughout a middle zone at least one-third the length of the blade (in this zone the margins are more-or-less parallel) and the length to width ratio is 2:1 to less than 3:1. Other types of oblong shapes are determined by the length to width ratio. Basic leaf blade forms. Drawing by M. N. Sashital.
Very widely oblong Referring to a two dimensional shape in which the greatest width extends throughout a middle zone at least one-third the length of the blade (in this zone the margins are more-or-less parallel) and the length to width ratio is 1.2:1 or less. Very widely oblong shape. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Widely oblong Referring to a two dimensional shape in which the greatest width extends throughout a middle zone at least one-third the length of the blade (in this zone the margins are more-or-less parallel) and the length to width ratio is 1.5:1 to less than 2:1. Widely oblong. Drawing by M. N. Sashital.