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Term Definition
Locule orientation oblique A locule with the greatest length more-or-less paralleling the long axis of the ovary, i.e., parallel to the upper/lower septum as seen in longituindal section. Locule obliquely oriented. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Oblique Referring to a leaf base or similar structure in which the two sides are unequal. Locule obliquely oriented. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Ovule horientation oblique A type Locule obliquely oriented. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Ovule orientation oblique An ovule that departs from the middle part of the placenta at an angle less than 90 degrees as seen in a longitudinal section. The angle is the upper angle of a line drawn through the ovules and intersecting with the vertical axis of the ovary as seen in longitudinal section. Placentation of Couratari oligantha. Photo by C. Carollo.
Placenta oblique A type of placentation in which the placenta is derived from a short, horizontally expanded lower septum that expands at a right angle to the upper septum and may be slightly upward and outward oriented at its end as seen in medial longitudinal section. Placentation of Eschweilera sessilis. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Staminal rim oblique The circular apex of a fleshy staminal tube upon which the stamens arise from slightly different levels, e.g., in some species of >. Staminal tube and oblique staminal tube rim of Grias longirachis. Drawing by B. Angell.
Style oblique Slanting from the verticle. Style of Lecythis mesophylla. Photo by R. Aguilar.