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Term Definition
Estambre rudimentario productor de néctar En las Lecythidaceae Neotropicales que producen néctar, estos son los apéndices más internos que están dispuestos hacia el ápice de la capucha (del androceo) enrollada, al interior de una flor zigomorfa
Estambres vestigiales productores de néctar Son los apéndices más internos, productores de néctar, que están localizados en el ápice del androceo de una flor zigomorfa de varias cámaras en las Lecythidaceae neotropicales.
Nectar A sugar solution of varied composition produced by nectaries within flowers to attract pollinators or by extrafloral nectaries to attract insects that protect the plant from predation. Nectar in the diurnal flowers of a species of Sapotaceae. Photo by C. A. Gracie.
Nectar chamber A chamber at the apex of the coils of zygomorphic-flowered species or at the base of the staminal tube of most Old World species and in some actinomorphic-flowered genera in the New World, e.g., for example of species of . The nectar that accumulates in the nectar chambers serves as the reward that attracts pollinators to the flowers. The androecium of a zygomorphic-flowered Lecythidaceae. Photo by C. A. Gracie.
Nectar guide Markings on a flower that apparently serve to guide pollinators to the nectar. Some are visible to humans, but others are apparent to humans only through ultraviolet photography. Same as honey guide, a term not recommended because bees, not plants, produce honey. Nectar guides of a Bignoniaceae. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Nectar guide Markings on a flower that apparently serve to guide pollinators to the nectar source which is the reward they receive for visiting the flower. Some are visible to humans, but others are apparent to humans only through ultraviolet photography. Same as honey guide, a term not recommended because bees, not plants, produce honey. Flower and ovary summit of Lecythis retusa. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Nectar ring In some Passifloraceae, a low narrow ring situated below the operculum. Flower and ovary summit of Lecythis retusa. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Nectar spur A tubular-like projection from the sepals or petals that produce and retain nectar as a reward for pollinators; in many orchids nectar spurs are hollow, tubular projections formed at the base of the lip which contain nectar rewards for pollinators. Nectar spur of an orchid. Photo by S. A. Mori.