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Term Definition
Calyx-lobes imbricate Overlapping of the adjacent edges of the calyx-lobes or sepals. Pedicel/hypanthium truncate as shown in Eschweilera spccostarica
Calyx-lobes not imbricate The base of the sepals do not overlap. Non-imbricate calyx-lobes of Eschweilera collinsii. Photo by R. Aguilar
Imbricate Referring to a type of aestivation in which the sepals or petals overlap at the adjacent edges or to the overlapping leaf bases as found in some species of Bromeliaceae. Corolla aestivation. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Imbricate-contorted aestivation A type of aestivation in which one edge of the structure (e.g., a petal) is above and the other below the structure on each side of it. Corolla aestivation. Photo by S. A. Mori.