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Term Definition
Hypanthium A floral tube made up of fused parts of the perianth and sometimes including receptacular tissue. The tube may be free from the ovary as in perigynous flowers or it may be fused to the ovary as in epignynous flowers.
Hypanthium A floral tube made up of fused parts of the perianth and sometimes including receptacular tissue. The tube may be free from the ovary as in perigynous flowers or it may be fused to the ovary as in epignynous flowers. Cross-section of the hypanthium of Grias cauliflora. Photo by C. Carollo.
Pedicel/hypanthium The pedicel is articulate in all species of Lecythidaceae. In some species the hypanthium tapers to the articulation and resembles a pedicel and, in other species, the hypanthium is truncate and does not resemble a pedicel. Thus, everything from the calyx to the articulation and from the articulation to the rachis is called the pedicel/hypanthium. Very immature fruits of an unknown species of  Eschweilera. Photo by S. A. Mori
Pedicel/hypanthium tapered to articulation The pedicel/hypanthium is tapered gradually to the ariculation such that a true pedicel appears to be present Pedicel/hypanthiuim of Eschweilera biflava. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Pedicel/hypanthium truncate at articulation There is no clear cut pedicel in this type of pedicel/hypanthium Pedicel/hypanthium truncate as shown in Eschweilera spccostarica
Rugose hypanthium Refers to a hypanthium with a wrinkled surface. Rugose or corrugate hypanthia. Drawings by B. Angell.
Smooth hypanthium A hypanthium that does not have furrows or conspicuous outgrowths. Pedicel/hypanthiuim of Eschweilera biflava. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Sulcate hypanthium Refers to a hypanthium that is furrowed or grooved. Immature fruits of Lecythis mesophylla. Photo by X. Cornejo.
Tuberculate hypanthium Refers to a hypanthiuim covered with warty, pointed outgrowths. Tuberculate hypanthia, pedicels, and inflorescence rachises of Lecythis idatimon. Photo by S. A. Mori.