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Term Definition
Elliptic Referring to the outline of essentially two-dimensional structures, such as leaves, bracts, petals, and sepals, which are widest at or near the middle. Elliptic shapes are divided based on their length/width ratios. An elliptic shape has a length to width ration from 2:1 to less than 3:1. Elliptic shapes. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Narrowly elliptic Referring to a two-dimensional shape with the widest point at the middle and a length to width ratio 3:1 to less than 6:1. Narrowly elliptic shape. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Very narrowly elliptic Referring to a two-dimensional shape with the widest point at the middle and tlength to width ratio of 6:1 or more. Very narrowly elliptic shape. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Widely elliptic A widely elliptic shape is widest at the middle and possesses a length to width ratio greater than 1.5:1 to less than 2:1. Based on Hickey (1973). Widely elliptic shape. Drawing by M. Sashital.