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Term Definition
Disc A fleshy, lobed, or annular nectariferous structure found within flowers; the position can be either outside or within the stamens. Preffered spelling is disc. Not to be confused with disk flower in the Asteraceae. An intrastaminal disc. Drawing by B. Angell.
Extrastaminal disc A fleshy, lobed, or annular nectariferous structure found within flowers located outside of the stamens. Preferred spelling is disc. Not to be confused with disk flower. An intrastaminal disc. Drawing by B. Angell.
Intrastaminal disc A fleshy, lobed, or annular nectariferous structure found within flowers between the stamens and the pistil. Preferred spelling is disc. Not to be confused with disk flower. Intrastaminal disk. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Nectariferous disc A more or less fleshy and elevated part of the receptacle, situated between the perianth and the stamens or between the stamens and the gynoecium, which functions in the production of nectar. Also referred to simply as a disc. An intrastaminal disc. Drawing by B. Angell.