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Term Definition
Cross-section A cut at right angles to the long axis of an organ. Same as transverse section. Cross, longitudinal, and medial longitudinal sections of Grias purpuripetala. Photos by S. S. A. Mori.
Cross-section A cut at right angles to the axis of an organ. Same as transverse section. Cross, longitudinal, and medial longitudinal sections of Grias purpuripetala. Photos by S. S. A. Mori.
Ovary cross-section A section through the ovary made at a right angle to the long or vertical axis of a flower. A term used in the Lecythidaceae to determine the number of locules and to describe the placention of species and genera. Ovary cross-sections to show placentation. Photo by N. P. Smith.
Petiole cross-section A section of a petiole made at right angles to its length just below the start of the blade. Cross-section of a petiole of Couratari pyramidata. Photo by S. A. Mori.