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Displaying 1 - 9 out of 9 Object(s)
Term Definition
Choripetalous corolla Haviing petals free from one another. Same as polypetalous; opposite of gamopetalous and sympetalous. Sepal and petal fusion. Drawing by B. Angell.
Corolla The second whorl of floral parts; the collective term for the petals. Parts of the perianth. Drawing by B. Angell
Corolla lobe In a symetalous corolla, the upper, free segments. Longitudinal section of a flower of Jacaranda copaia. Drawing by B. Angell.
Corolla throat In a sympetalous corolla, the opening into the corolla tube. Longitudinal section of a flower of Jacaranda copaia. Drawing by B. Angell.
Corolla tube In a gamopetalous corolla, the lower fused part. Longitudinal section of a flower of Jacaranda copaia. Drawing by B. Angell.
Gamopetalous corolla Having petals united for at least part of their length. Same as sympetalous; Opposite of polypetalous and choripetalous. Sepal and petal fusion. Drawing by B. Angell.
Papilionaceous corolla The zygomorphic corolla of most species of papilionoid legumes. Standard and young fruits of Ormosia flava. Photo by C. A. Gracie.
Polypetalous corolla Having petals free from one another. Same as choripetalous; opposite of sympetalous. Sepal and petal fusion. Drawing by B. Angell.
Sympetalous corolla Having petals united for at least part of their length. Same as gamopetalous; opposite of polypetalous and choripetalous. Sepal and petal fusion. Drawing by B. Angell.