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Term Definition
Cerrado A Portuguese term referring to a type of vegetation with scatttered shrubs and relatively small, often contorted trees with thick bark and grasses and sedges dominating the understory. Savanna (= cerrado) vegetation. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Cerrado A Portuguese term referring to a savanna-like vegetation best developed in central Brazil but also found in patches in the Brazilian Amazon and in other South and Central American countries where it is called savanna. Tree of Eschweilera nana growing in cerrado. Photo by C. Potascheff.
Cerrado Término Portugués que se refiere a un tipo de vegetación parecida a una Savana que está mayormente desarrollada en el centro de Brasil y que también se encuentra formando parches en la Amazonía brasileña. Tree of Eschweilera nana growing in cerrado. Photo by C. Potascheff.