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Term Definition
Cambium The actively dividing tissue located between the xylem and the phloem which produces xylem to the inside and phloem to the outside of the trunk or the stem.. Cross-section of a tree trunk. Drawing by M. N. Sashital.
Cambium Tejido que divide activamente o meristema lateral localizado entre el xilema y el floema. Produce xilema hacia el interior y floema hacia el exterior. Comparar con cambium corchoso; termino equivalente a cambium vascular. Cross-section of a tree trunk. Drawing by M. N. Sashital.
Cambium del súber, cambium de corcho Tejido que se divide activamente produciendo súber o corcho hacia el exterior y felodermis hacia el interior. Ver félem y peridermis. Cross-section of a tree trunk. Drawing by M. N. Sashital.
Cork cambium The actively dividing tissue that produces cork to the outside and phelloderm to the inside. Cross-section of a tree trunk. Drawing by M. N. Sashital.