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Displaying 1 - 15 out of 15 Object(s)
Term Definition
Aril basal An aril located at the base of the seed. Basal aril of Lecythis pisonis. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Aril basal-lateral An aril starting at the base and extending part way up the side of the seed. Basal-lateral aril of Lecythis mesophylla. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Arilo basal Se refiere cuando el arilo está localizado en la base de la semilla Basal-lateral aril of Lecythis mesophylla. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Arilo basal-lateral Se refiere cuando el arilo empieza en la base y se extiende parcialmente sobre sobre un lado de la semilla Basal-lateral aril of Lecythis mesophylla. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Basal Toward the base. Opposite of apical. Same as proximal. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Basal aril An aril located at the base of the seed. A basal aril of a seed. Drawing by B. Angell.
Basal placentation A type of placentation in which the ovules arise from the base of the locule. Axile, parietal, free-central, and basal placentation. Drawing by B. Angell.
Basal rosette Referring to an arrangement of leaves radiating from the base of the stem and usually placed close to the ground. A basal rosette of leaves. Drawing by B. Angell.
Basal stoppers Valves in the woody pericarp of Parinari (Chrysobalanaceae) that allow for the escape of the seedling. Same as obturamenta. A basal rosette of leaves. Drawing by B. Angell.
Basal-lateral aril An aril starting at the base and extending part way up the side of the seed. Basal-lateral aril of Lecythis mesophylla. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Leaf venation basal acrodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which two or more primary or strongly developed secondary veins arch upward from the base and converge at or close to the apex.. Based on Hickey, 1973. For more information about leaf venation see Ellis et al, 2009. Leaf venation acrodromous. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Leaf venation basal actinodromous Referring to a type of leaf venation in which three or more primary veins diverge radially from a single point at point of attachment of the petiole. Actinodromous leaf venation. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Placentación basal Tipo de placentación en la que los óvulos nacen de la base del lóculo. Ver placentación. Actinodromous leaf venation. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Placentation basal A type of placentation in which the ovule is attached to the floor of the locule. Axile, parietal, free-central, and basal placentation. Drawing by B. Angell.
Roseta basal Se refiere a la disposición radial de las hojas en la base de una planta. Axile, parietal, free-central, and basal placentation. Drawing by B. Angell.