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Term Definition
Aril basal-lateral An aril starting at the base and extending part way up the side of the seed. Basal-lateral aril of Lecythis mesophylla. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Aril lateral An aril that runs along the side of the seed such as in many, but not all, species of . Lateral aril of Eschweilera. Photo by S. A. Mori
Basal-lateral aril An aril starting at the base and extending part way up the side of the seed. Basal-lateral aril of Lecythis mesophylla. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Lateral aril An aril that runs along the side of the seed such as in many, but not all, species of (Lecythidaceae). Lateral aril of Eschweilera biflava. Photo by R. Aguilar.