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Term Definition
Abaxial Referring to the side of an organ situated away from the axis; i.e., the morphologically lower surface of a leaf. Opposite of adaxial and same as ventral, under, and lower surface. Stem features and leaf orientation. Drawing by M. Sashital.
Abaxial The lower part of a structure such as a leaf, i.e., that part of a structure that faces away the main axis to which it is attached. For example, if a leaf is pushed upward and against a stem the surface facing away from the stem is the abaxial surface. Floral development of Bertholletia excelsa
Abaxial, abaxil Se refiere a el lado de un órgano que está situado más lejos del eje; por ejemplo, la superficie inferior de una hoja. Equivalente a ventral, superficie inferior; opuesto a adaxial Floral development of Bertholletia excelsa