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Term Definition
Style The part of the gynoecium between the summit of the ovary and the stigma. Truncate ovary summit and geniculate style. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Style erect A style that does not bend or slants away from the vertical axis of the ovary. Calyx-lobes and ovary summit features. Photo by S.A. Mori.
Style geniculate A well-defined style that is abruptly bent like a flexed knee. Truncate ovary summit and geniculate style. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Style oblique Slanting from the verticle. Style of Lecythis mesophylla. Photo by R. Aguilar.
Style umbonate Same as ovary summit umbonate. Style of Lecythis mesophylla. Photo by R. Aguilar.