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Term Definition
Infracalycine zone The area between the calycine ring and the pedicel scar in a fruit of Lecythidaceae. Fruit terminology. Drawing by B. Angell.
Infracalycine zone rounded The infracalycine zone is rounded from the calycine ring to the pedicel scar thereby giving the fruit a cup-like shape. Fruit collection of Lecythis minor
Infracalycine zone tapered The infracalycine zone tapers from the calycine ring to the hypanthium/pedicel Fruit terminology. Drawing by B. Angell.
Infracalycine zone truncate An ovary or a fruit which abruptly turns inward from the calycine rim to the pedicel/hypanthium. Same as truncate fruit. Fruits of Eschweilera coriacea. Photo by S. A. Mori