Taxon Details: Boletus lacunosus Rostr.
Taxon Profile:
Boletaceae (Basidiomycota)
Boletaceae (Basidiomycota)
Scientific Name:
Boletus lacunosus Rostr.
Boletus lacunosus Rostr.
Primary Citation:
Flora of Koh Chang. Contributions to the knowledge of the vegetation in the Gulf of Siam. Fungi.
Bot. Tidsskr. 24: 357. 1902
Flora of Koh Chang. Contributions to the knowledge of the vegetation in the Gulf of Siam. Fungi.
Bot. Tidsskr. 24: 357. 1902
Homotypic Synonyms:
Austroboletus rostrupii (Syd. in Syd. & P.Syd.) E.Horak
Boletus rostrupii Syd. in Syd. & P.Syd.
Austroboletus rostrupii (Syd. in Syd. & P.Syd.) E.Horak
Boletus rostrupii Syd. in Syd. & P.Syd.
Protologue: 16. B. lacunosus Rostr. n. sp. Pileo e pulivinato expanso, glabro, laevi, alutaceo; tubulis liberis, mediis, dilute fuscis; stipite gracili, elongato, cylindrico v. sursum attenuato, profunde alato-lacunoso, annulato; sporis ferrugineis, fusiformibus, 13–15 µ l., 6–7 µ cr. — Pileus 4–5 ctm.; stipes 10–12 ctm. long. In a hollow tree.
Type: Thailand: leg. Rostrup, F. 579 (C, holotype) fide E. Horak (1980), Sydowia 33: 82. In liquid.
Protologue: 16. B. lacunosus Rostr. n. sp. Pileo e pulivinato expanso, glabro, laevi, alutaceo; tubulis liberis, mediis, dilute fuscis; stipite gracili, elongato, cylindrico v. sursum attenuato, profunde alato-lacunoso, annulato; sporis ferrugineis, fusiformibus, 13–15 µ l., 6–7 µ cr. — Pileus 4–5 ctm.; stipes 10–12 ctm. long. In a hollow tree.
Type: Thailand: leg. Rostrup, F. 579 (C, holotype) fide E. Horak (1980), Sydowia 33: 82. In liquid.