Filed As:
Gyroporus castaneus (Bull.:Fr.) Quél.
Gyroporus castaneus (Bull.:Fr.) Quél.
All Determinations:
Gyroporus castaneus (Bull.:Fr.) Quél.
Note: we are filing Boletus castaneus as Gyroporus castaneus
Boletus castaneus Bull.:Fr.
Gyroporus castaneus (Bull.:Fr.) Quél.
Note: we are filing Boletus castaneus as Gyroporus castaneus
Boletus castaneus Bull.:Fr.
United States of America. Pennsylvania. Forest Co. Cook Forest [State Park].
United States of America. Pennsylvania. Forest Co. Cook Forest [State Park].
in forest. on ground.
in forest. on ground.
NY Barcode: 02342788
GUID: d9858de8-6346-404f-b817-84793c0f74c5
NY Barcode: 02342788
GUID: d9858de8-6346-404f-b817-84793c0f74c5
Georeferencing Method: GEOLocate Web Application (Used GEOLocate Web Application to georeference precise locality. (Verified by georeferencer.) Georeferenced to the Cook Forest State Park center.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 2289
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (41.3237, -79.1639)
Georeferencing Method: GEOLocate Web Application (Used GEOLocate Web Application to georeference precise locality. (Verified by georeferencer.) Georeferenced to the Cook Forest State Park center.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 2289
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (41.3237, -79.1639)