Filed As:

Harrya chromapes (Frost) Halling, Nuhn, T.Osmundson & Manfr.Binder

Costa Rica. San José. Dota (Canton). San Gerardo. ±5 km SW of Cerro de la Muerte, Albergue de la Montaña, Savegre. Alt. 2400 - 2500 m. (7874 - 8202 ft.)

T. W. Osmundson 996 with R.E. Halling, M.-A. Neves, 15 Jun 2004

Pileus: 46-77 mm, convex, finely appressed subtomentose, pale rosy pink becoming dull tan with slight pinkish tint. Margin even with edge of hymenophore. Context white, not staining when cut. Odor mild, taste mild to faintly bitter. Hymenophore: poroid, depressed at stipe apex; pores 2 (in older specimens) to 3 (in younger specimens) per mm; tubes pale cream-colored becoming light brown (Methuen 6D5); pores pale pinkish white becoming light brown. Stipe: 80-90 x 8-12 cm, central, equal to subclavate, solid; white with bright pink clustered fibrils over upper half, olivaceous fibrils below; base distinctly bright yellow (Methuen 3A5-3A6), staining bright blood-red. Context white, slowly staining olivaceous yellow; bright orange-yellow (Methuen 4A8) at base. Macrochemical Reactions: All tissues negative with NH4OH, turning light yellow with 20% KOH.

Montane cloud forest. Quercus copeyensis, Q. seemannii. Gregarious. On soil.

Specimen Notes: Duplicate in USJ

JX889712 ()
JX889680 (nrLSU)

NY Barcode: 1491170
GUID: 452cca51-83d7-4da5-b445-f24f80028bbd

Coordinates: (9.548, -83.8014)


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