Filed As:

Chalciporus piperatoides (A.H.Sm. & Thiers) T.J.Baroni & Both

United States of America. California. Mendocino Co. Jackson State Forest, Co. Hwy 409.

R. E. Halling 5652 with , 03 Dec 1987

pileus 3-7.5 cm broad, convex to obtusely umbonate, subviscdi when wet, matted subtometnose, becoming areolate witha ge, 9E8 with buff to ochre yellow flesh shwoing between areoles; margin often sterile and projecting up to 1mm. Flesh yellowish buff and marbled, bluing slightly near tubes. Tubes 5 D6 when young, 7E7 to ^D6 with age, bluing when cut or buised, with pores up to 1 mm broad. Stipe 4-8 cm long, 4-18 mm broad, tapering toward base, dry, tomentose to matted tomentose, concolor with pileus, chrome yellow mycelium at the base, with interior bright yellow, solid. Spore print cinnamon brown. Phenology of specimen: Basidiomata.

Coastal conifer forest. Under pine - Doug. fir. Gregarious. On soil.
Feature Notes:

Specimen notes & spore print in box

NY Barcode: 48030
GUID: fb754b6b-a2eb-4b00-8dc3-d8e325ddbb9d

Coordinates: (39.3256, -123.737)


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