Filed As:

Boletus sp.
All Determinations:

Boletus sp. det. H. E. Bigelow


United States of America. Massachusetts. Berkshire Co. Windsor Jambs, Windsor State Park.

H. E. Bigelow 8327 with M.E. Barr, 30 Jul 1959

Pileus 7 cm broad, convex, dry, dull, finely matted-fibrillose under a lens, pale rosy pink on one half (about "shrimp pink"), light yellow on the other (nearest "baryta yellow"); flesh moderately thick, whitish, not changing or only faintly and slowly blue, frm, no odor, taste mild. Tubes free or slightly adnexed, depressed about stipe, up to 7 mm long, 2-3 per mm, thin, slightly lacerate, broght yellow (near "lemon chrome"), only faintly and slowly bluish. Stipe 7.5 cm long, 2 cm at apex, tapering grdually to base (12 mm), solid, slightly eccentric, curved neaar base, shallow yellow reticulum about 1.5 cm down from apex, becoming ±granose and then gradually to longitudinally striate, faint pinktint near apex, yellow below (nearest "pinard yellow"), interior whitish on top half, yellowish on bottom half. No print.

NY Barcode: 02072623
GUID: 2b53b415-c2b4-420c-9867-f35bb292693f

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