Phylogenetic Inferences
Ancient Porcini (Boletus sect. Boletus) from Australia & Thailand.
- A portion (redrawn) of the Best Tree from a Maximum Likelihood search of combined data using RAxML engineered by B.T.M. Dentinger (Mol. Phyl. Evol. 57: 1287. 2010).
The Boletus chromapes group (subfam. Zangioideae) includes Royoungia, Zangia, Harrya, & Australopilus.
- A portion of an optimal Maximum Likelihood & Bayesian combined nuc-LSU & tef1 bootstrapped tree engineered by Mitchell Nuhn in the laboratory of David Hibbett at Clark University.
Heimioporus is distinct from Boletellus
- Evolutionary Relationships: Boletellus & Heimioporus
Ionosporus: is a new genus (subfam. Leccinoideae) related to Borofutus, Rhodactina, Spongiforma.
- A portion of a Maximum Likelihood rpb2 bootstrapped tree engineered by O. Khmelnitsky.
Phylloporus is distinct from Xerocomus
- Maximum Likelihood combined rDNA-LSU & rDNA-ITS bootstrapped tree constructed by Maria-Alice Neves with collaboration from Manfred Binder in the laboratory of David Hibbett at Clark University.
Sutorius: a new genus for Boletus eximius
- A portion of a Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian combined nuc-LSU & tef1 bootstrapped tree engineered by Mitchell Nuhn in the laboratory of David Hibbett at Clark University.
The Sunset Truffle, Solioccasus, is a bolete, with inferred alliance to Bothia.
- A portion of a Maximum Likelihood nuc-LSU bootstrapped tree engineered by Todd Osmundson.