Bibliography Details:

Grubisha, L. C.
Trappe, James M.
Molina, R.
Spatafora, J. W.
Article or Chapter Title:

Biology of the ectomycorrhizal genus Rhizopogon. VI. Re-examination of infrageneric relationships inferred from phylogenetic analyses of ITS sequences.

Journal or Book:

Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America 94(4): 607-619

KEYWORDS = Rhizopogon, mycorrhizae, ectomycorrhizae, ITS, Boletales, Suillus, molecular phylogeny

NOTES = Rhizopogon subg. Amylopogon (A. H. Sm.) Grubisha & Trappe n.comb., R. subg. Roseoli Grubisha & Trappe n.subg., R. subg. Versicolores (A. H. Sm.) Grubisha & Trappe n.comb., R. subg. Villosuli (A. H. Sm.) n.comb., R. subg. Villosuli sect. Vinicolores Grubisha & Trappe n.sect.