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Displaying 1 - 14 out of 14 Object(s)
Author Year Title Book/Journal
Høiland, K. 1987 A new approach to the phylogeny of the order Boletales.  View Details Nordic Journal of Botany
Watling, Roy, Gregory, N. M. 1989 Observations on the boletes of the Cooloola Sandmass, Queensland and notes on thier distribution in Australia Part 2C: Smooth spored taxa---Strobilomycetaceae.  View Details Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland
Nagasawa, E. 1997 A preliminary checklist of the Japanese Agaricales. I. The Boletineae.  View Details Reports of the Tottori Mycological Institute. [Kinjin kenkyusho kenkyu hokoku]
Oliveira, I. C., Sousa, M. A. 2002 Boletales (Hymenomycetes) no Campus i da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa: III Strobilomycetaceae.  View Details Revista nordestina de biologia
Klofac, Wolfgang, Greilhuber-Krisai, Irmgard 2006 Die Gattung Chalciporus, ein weltweiter Überblick The genus Chalciporus, a world-wide survey.  View Details Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde
Gómez P., L. D. 1996 Basidiomicetes de Costa Rica [IX]: Xerocomus, Chalciporus, Pulveroboletus, Boletellus, Xanthoconium (Agaricales: Boletaceae).  View Details Revista de Biología Tropical; International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation
Flores Arzù, R., Simonini, Giampaolo 2000 Contributo alla conoscenza delle Boletales del Guatemala.  View Details Rivista di Micologia
Baroni, Timothy J., Both, Ernst E. 1991 Chalciporus piperatoides in North America.  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Baroni, Timothy J., Both, Ernst E. 1991 Chalciporus piperatoidesm North America  View Details Mycologia: Official bimonthly publication of the Mycological Society of America
Córdova-Chávez, Octavio, et al. 2015 Adiciones al conocimiento de los hongos del Parque Nacional Cofre de Perote, Veracruz, México  View Details Revista Mexicana de Micología
Gómez, L. D. 1997 Basidiomicetes de Costa Rica: View Details Revista de Biología Tropical; International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation
Wu, Gang, et al. 2014 Molecular phylogenetic analyses redefine seven major clases and reveal 22 new generic clades in the fungal family Boletaceae  View Details Fungal Diversity: An International Journal of Mycology
Watling, Roy, de Meijer, A. R. 1997 Macromycetes from the state of Parana, Brazil. 5. Poroid and lamellate boletes.  View Details Edinburgh Journal of Botany
Watling, Roy, De Meijer, A. R. 1997 Macromycetes from the state of Paraná, Brazil. 5. Poroid and lamellate boletes.  View Details Edinburgh Journal of Botany