How to request a loan

From The New York Botanical Garden
Revision as of 17:34, 17 March 2016 by Aweiss (talk | contribs)
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Loans are handled separately in the cryptogamic herbarium and the phanerogamic herbarium.

Crypt Loans:  Contact Ellen 

Phan Loans: Contact Matthew

Outgoing Loans 

If you have a colleague interested in receiving a loan of NY material, they may send a request to Matthew/Barbara. For Phan loans, Matthew handles correspondence while Amy pulls specimens and readies them for shipment. 

A visitor may pull specimens themselves and fill out our loan form (available by the guest book on fourth floor). Please note that before the loan is sent, the Herbarium must receive an official request by the Curator of the institution to which the loan will be sent.

Loans from other herbaria

- If you wish to request a loan from another herbarium, please contact Matthew (Phan.) or Ellen (Crypt.).

- If you wish to return a loan, you should verify that all sheets are accounted for and bring it directly to Lucy in Shipping. Or you may leave it on the counter height cabinet near the lunch table on the fourth floor, with clear instructions marked on the drop tag.