Entering Symbols and Diacritics

From The New York Botanical Garden
Revision as of 16:26, 27 February 2023 by Aweiss (talk | contribs)
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If entering label data in a language other than English, a faster way than using the diacritic codes below is to enable the United States-International Keyboard

This Microsoft support page tells you how (see 'change keyboard layout' and 'add a keyboard') and for more information about the symbols you can create using this keyboard, see this page).


Alt + 0 (on the number keypad)

À         192

Á         193


à        195

Ä         196

Å         197

à          224

á          225

â          226

ã          227

ä          228

å          229

Æ         198

æ          230

Ç          199

ç          231

È          200

É          201

Ê          202

Ë          203

è          232

é          233

ê          234

ë          235

Ì           204

Í           205

Π          206

Ï           207

ì           236

í           237

î           238

ï           239

Ñ         209

ñ          241

Ò         210

Ó         211

Ô         212

Õ         213

Ö         214

Ø         216

ò          242

ó          243

ô          244

õ          245

ö          246

ø          248

Ù         217

Ú         218

Û         219

Ü         220

ù          249

ú          250

û          251

ü          252

Ý         221

ý          253

ÿ          255


Other Symbols

Alt + 0 (on the number keypad)

¼         188      one-fourth

½         189      one-half

¾         190      three-fourths

°           176      degrees

±          177      plus/minus

¹           185      superscript 1

²           178      superscript 2

³           179      superscript 3

µ          181      micro symbol (mu)

÷          247      divide symbol

×          215      multiply symbol

ß          223      German sharp s

…        133      ellipsis

†          134      dagger (single)

‡          135      dagger (double)

Š          138      S caron

š           154      s caron

‹           139      left single guillemet

›           155      right single guillemet

«          171      left double guillemet

»          187      right double guillemet

–          150      en dash

—        151      em dash

˜           152      tilde

™        153      unregistered trademark

©         169      copyright

®         174      registered trademark

Œ         140      OE ligature

œ         156      oe ligature

Ÿ         159      Y diaeresis

¿          191      Spanish inverted ?

¡           161      Spanish inverted !

¢          162      cents

£          163      pounds

¶          182      paragraph symbol (pilcrow)

§          167      section symbol