Specimens to set aside for staff

From The New York Botanical Garden
Revision as of 16:49, 17 February 2016 by (talk)
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When numbering and sorting newly mounted specimens for filing, any of the following groups should be bundled separately.  Furthermore, please check with Nicole before filing any returned loan of specimens belonging to these groups (except Cyperaceae).


Types:   Nicole Tarnowsky

Family unidentified:   Jackie Kallunki, except… any that have "file in family indets" pencilled on them; Jackie ahs already seen these.


1-17 Ferns and fern allies Robbin Moran
22.1 Gnetaceae Dennis Stevenson
35 Cyperaceae Wayt Thomas / Rob Naczi
36 Arecaceae Andrew Henderson
44 Xyridaceae Lisa Campbell
45 Eriocaulaceae Lisa Campbell
66 Orchidaceae Matthew Pace
81.1 Cannabaceae (Cannabis sativa only) Nicole Tarnowsky
122 Papaveraceae (Papaver somnifernum only) Nicole Tarnowsky
159 Erythroxylaceae (Erythroxylum coca only) Nicole Tarnowsky
162 Rutaceae Jackie Kallunki
163 Simaroubaceae (New World) Wayt Thomas
165 Burseraceae Doug Daly
171 Polygalaceae Richard Abbott
179 Anacardiaceae John Mitchell
203 Bombaceae Jackie Kallunki
206.1 Actinidiaceae Larry Kelly
235 Cactaceae (Lophora williamsii & Trichocereus pachanoi only) Nicole Tarnowsky
245 Lecythidaceae Scott Mori
249 Melastomataceae Fabian Michelangeli
254 Araliaceae Greg Plunkett
272 Symplocaceae Larry Kelly
277 Apocynaceae (Tabernanthe iboga only) Nicole Tarnowsky
279 Convolvulaceae (Turbina [Rivea] corymbosa only) Nicole Tarnowsky
288 Scrophulariaceae (Penstemon, Keckiella, & Nothochelone only) Noel Holmgren