Displaying 26 - 50 out of 73 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom N. C. Fassett 21428 19 Sep 1941 United States of America Wisconsin Green Co. Dane Co. line… 1848043 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom L. H. Shinners S-44-579 21 Sep 1944 United States of America Wisconsin Milwaukee Co. Greenfield, Whitnall Park,… 1848051 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848037 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848040 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848044 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848045 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848047 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848048 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848049 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848050 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848053 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848054 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848056 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848057 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848058 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848060 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848061 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848063 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848064 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848065 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848066 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848067 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848069 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848070 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom 1848071 Symphyotrichum firmum (Nees) G.L.Nesom