Displaying 26 - 50 out of 87 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Polypogon interruptus Kunth J. D. Morefield 4429(dupl. d) 14 May 1987 United States of America California Mono Co. White Mountains. Ca.… 1811071 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth D. M. Sutherland 5912 28 Jun 1984 United States of America Nebraska Keith Co. W of Cedar… 1811073 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth J. D. Morefield JDM-2028(a) 04 Jun 1984 United States of America California Inyo Co. White Mountains. Deep… 1811074 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth Collector unknown s.n. 30 Jun 1963 United States of America Colorado 6 mi. E. of Pueblo 1811075 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth F. Beckwith 8 Jun 1915 United States of America California Muir Woods 1811090 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth A. W. Chapman s.n. s.d. United States of America Louisiana 1811019 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811016 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811018 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811023 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811024 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811025 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811026 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811027 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811029 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811030 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811031 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811032 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811033 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811034 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811035 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811036 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811037 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811039 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811041 Polypogon interruptus Kunth
Polypogon interruptus Kunth 1811042 Polypogon interruptus Kunth