Displaying 1 - 7 out of 7 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Ipomoea setosa Ker J. N. Rose 24229 26 Oct 1927 United States of America Texas Cameron Co. 3514808 Ipomoea setosa Ker
Ipomoea setosa Ker Grupo Pedra do Cavalo 341 01 Jul 1980 Brazil Bahia Estaçao do EMBASA-Cachoeira. Crescendo na… 486388 Ipomoea setosa Ker
Ipomoea setosa Ker N. C. Goldstein 27 06 Dec 1994 Belize Toledo San Benito Poite Road, 3… 87225
Ipomoea setosa Ker 3514806 Ipomoea setosa Ker
Ipomoea setosa Ker 3514807 Ipomoea setosa Ker
Ipomoea setosa Ker 3514809 Ipomoea setosa Ker
Ipomoea setosa Ker 2913466 Ipomoea setosa Ker