Displaying 501 - 504 out of 504 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Carex communis L.H.Bailey var. communis M. S. Wright s.n. United States of America New York Yates Co. Dundee. 2255578 Carex communis L.H.Bailey var. communis
Carex communis L.H.Bailey H. P. Sartwell s.n. United States of America Maine 02255505 Carex communis L.H.Bailey
Carex communis L.H.Bailey var. communis Collector unspecified s.n. United States of America Ohio 2255822 Carex communis L.H.Bailey var. communis
Carex communis L.H.Bailey var. communis P. D. Knieskern United States of America New York 2255606 Carex communis L.H.Bailey var. communis