Displaying 201 - 225 out of 288 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Carex amphibola Steud. M. H. Nee 56363 06 Jun 2009 United States of America Indiana Brown Co. Below dam at… 2235562 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola var. rigida (L.H.Bailey) Fernald E. B. Bartram s.n. 06 Jun 1915 United States of America Pennsylvania Chester Co. Woods near Cornog,… 2236220 Carex amphibola var. rigida (L.H.Bailey) Fernald
Carex amphibola Steud. T. Morong s.n. 22 May 1877 United States of America District of Columbia Island in the Potomac, Washington,… 2235511 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. T. Morong s.n. 22 May 1877 United States of America District of Columbia Potomac River, Washington, D.C. 2235583 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola var. rigida (L.H.Bailey) Fernald C. C. Deam 30794 05 Jun 1920 United States of America Indiana LaPorte Co. In a low… 2236202 Carex amphibola var. rigida (L.H.Bailey) Fernald
Carex amphibola var. rigida (L.H.Bailey) Fernald C. C. Deam 8735 17 Jun 1911 United States of America Indiana LaPorte Co. In sandy woods… 02236201 Carex amphibola var. rigida (L.H.Bailey) Fernald
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9498 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. 5 mi. S… 2235465 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9503 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. 5 mi. S… 2235466 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9505 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. 5 mi. S… 2235467 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9506 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. 5 mi. S… 2235468 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9507 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. 5 mi. S… 2235469 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9508 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. 5 mi. S… 2235470 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9618 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Hoosier Highlands. 2235474 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9620 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Hoosier Highlands. 2235475 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9621 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Hoosier Highlands. 2235476 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9498 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Indiana: Putnam county,… 2235570 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9502 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Indiana: Putnam county,… 2235571 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9503 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Indiana: Putnam county,… 2235572 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9504 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Indiana: Putnam county,… 2235573 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9505 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Indiana: Putnam county,… 2235574 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9506 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Indiana: Putnam county,… 2235575 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9507 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Indiana: Putnam county,… 2235576 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9508 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Indiana: Putnam county,… 2235577 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9618 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Indiana: Putnam Co.,… 2235578 Carex amphibola Steud.
Carex amphibola Steud. W. H. Welch 9620 28 May 1944 United States of America Indiana Putnam Co. Indiana: Putnam Co.,… 2235579 Carex amphibola Steud.