Displaying 1951 - 1975 out of 2004 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Philonotis fontana var. pumila (Turner) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-55 26 Jun 1962 Greenland Godhavn. Vestgronland. Disko Island, in… 156573
Philonotis fontana var. pumila (Turner) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-120 27 Jun 1962 Greenland Godhavn. Vestgronland. Disko Island, in… 156574
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-892 20 Jul 1962 Greenland Narsaq. Vestgronland. On Narssaqsund at… 156560
Philonotis fontana var. pumila (Turner) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-1008 22 Jul 1962 Greenland Narsaq. Vestgronland. On Narssaqsund at… 156571
Philonotis fontana var. pumila (Turner) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-1066 23 Jul 1962 Greenland Narsaq. Vestgronland. On Narssaqsund at… 156572
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. B. Cooke 14715 22 Aug 1940 Canada Squaw Valley Creek; Mt. Shasta 156336
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. B. Cooke 14692 08 Aug 1940 Canada Upper part of Squaw Valley… 156337
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. S. Benninghoff 7715 01 Aug 1953 Greenland Brook near N side of… 156543
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-1271 27 Jul 1962 Greenland N side of Ilumanssaq Peninsula,… 156532
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-703 17 Jul 1962-19 Jul 1962 Greenland Narsarsuaq. Vestgronland. Tunugdliarfik Fjord 156531
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-831 17 Jul 1962-19 Jul 1962 Greenland Narsarsuaq. Vestgronland. Tunugdliarfik Fjord 156530
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-978 22 Jul 1962 Greenland Narsaq. Vestgronland. On Narssaqsund at… 156529
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-980 22 Jul 1962 Greenland Narsaq. Vestgronland. On Narssaqsund at… 156528
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. C. Steere 62-1110 24 Jul 1962 Greenland Narsaq. Vestgronland. On Narssaqsund at… 156527
Philonotis fontana var. pumila (Turner) Brid. Lt. R. E. Peary 1902 Greenland Fort Conger, North Greenland 156598
Philonotis fontana var. pumila (Turner) Brid. Lt. R. E. Peary 1 1902 Greenland Fort Conger, North Greenland 156601
Philonotis fontana var. pumila (Turner) Brid. Lt. R. E. Peary 10 1902 Greenland Fort Conger, North Greenland 156602
Philonotis fontana var. pumila (Turner) Brid. Lt. R. E. Peary 9 1902 Greenland Fort Conger, North Greenland 156603
Philonotis fontana var. pumila (Turner) Brid. Lt. R. E. Peary 10a 1902 Greenland Fort Conger, North Greenland 156604
Philonotis fontana var. pumila (Turner) Brid. E. O. Hovey Summer of 1916 Greenland North Star Bay 156605
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. var. fontana D. Lyall United States of America Near 49 pan. [?], N… 439354
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. var. fontana D. Lyall United States of America Ft. Colville (WA) to Rocky… 439347
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. var. fontana D. Lyall 1861 United States of America From Ft. Colville (Stevens Co.,… 439181
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. S. Brown 1114 05 Jul 1908 Canada Headwaters of the Saskatchewan and… 156512
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. Collector unspecified s.n. s.d. Canada 156305