Displaying 76 - 100 out of 360 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Lygodium volubile Sw. Y. E. J. Mexia 5070 19 Oct 1930 Brazil Minas Gerais Viçosa Mun. Fazenda de Aguada.… 875325 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. Y. E. J. Mexia 4599 11 Apr 1930 Brazil Minas Gerais Viçosa Mun. Viçosa, Agricultural College… 2514475 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. Y. E. J. Mexia 4599 11 Apr 1930 Brazil Minas Gerais Viçosa Mun. Viçosa, Agricultural College… 02554322 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. Y. E. J. Mexia 4847 08 Jul 1930 Brazil Minas Gerais Viçosa Mun. Just outside Agricultural… 2514476 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. Y. E. J. Mexia 4847 08 Jul 1930 Brazil Minas Gerais Viçosa Mun. Just outside Agricultural… 2554323 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. Y. E. J. Mexia 4819 30 Jun 1930 Brazil Minas Gerais Viçosa Mun. Agricultural College Land.… 2554324 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. Y. E. J. Mexia 4216 12 Jan 1930 Brazil Minas Gerais Viçosa Mun. Road to São… 2554325 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. H. S. Irwin 2722 24 Feb 1959 Brazil Minas Gerais Viçosa Mun. State Agricultural School. 875327 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. H. S. Irwin 2306 24 Dec 1958 Brazil Minas Gerais Viçosa Mun. State Agricultural School. 875326 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. W. W. Thomas 10587 21 Sep 1994 Brazil Bahia Ilhéus Mun. Cidade de Ilhéus,… 95221 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. W. W. Thomas 11479 10 Apr 1997 Brazil Bahia Una Mun. Reserva Biologica de… 110684 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. W. W. Thomas 13998 23 Apr 2004 Brazil Espírito Santo Linhares Mun. Povoação, Fazenda Santa… 01091164 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. L. B. Smith 1352 26 Nov 1928 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Southern slope of Pedra Dos… 807355 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. L. B. Smith 2039 02 Mar 1929 Brazil São Paulo Cubatão Mun. 807354 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. E. P. Killip 30339 29 Oct 1929 Brazil Pará Tapaná, near Pará 2514478 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. R. M. Harley 22209 17 May 1980 Brazil Bahia Ca. 11 km north from… 01091804 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. R. M. Harley 22209 17 May 1980 Brazil Bahia Ca. 11 km north from… 01091805 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. P. J. Edwards 2339 12 Feb 1987 Brazil Bahia Ilhéus Mun. Ca. 1 km… 1145398 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. P. J. Edwards 2543 12 Mar 1987 Brazil Roraima Alto Alegre Mun. Reserva Ecológica… 2514473 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. P. K. H. Dusén s.n. 25 Mar 1919 Brazil Paraná Jacarehý [Morretes] 807346 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. P. K. H. Dusén 14701 05 Apr 1914 Brazil Paraná Jacarehý [Morretes] 807347 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. A. F. M. Glaziou 4464 s.d. Brazil 2514486 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. J. L. Hage 608 14 Apr 1981 Brazil Bahia Ilhéus Mun. Area do CEPEC… 807370 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. J. L. Hage 1099 14 Jul 1981 Brazil Bahia Ilhéus Mun. Area do CEPEC… 807371 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. J. L. Hage 1418 14 Jul 1981 Brazil Bahia Ilhéus Mun. Area do CEPEC… 807372 Lygodium volubile Sw.