Displaying 201 - 225 out of 360 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Lygodium volubile Sw. L. Sokin 314 30 Oct 1984 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Guapimirim Mun. Estação Ecológica Estadual… 2480424 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. L. Sokin 314 30 Oct 1984 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Guapimirim Mun. Estação Ecológica Estadual… 2480425 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. B. L. Stannard s.n. 20 Dec 1984 Brazil Bahia Lençóis Mun. Rio Mucugezinho. Próximo… 807339 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. R. L. Liesner 15793 09 Feb 1985 Venezuela Amazonas Departamento Río Negro. 0 to… 3891486 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. M. H. Nee 30841 13 Feb 1985 Venezuela Amazonas Río Negro Mun. Along Bongo… 3891473 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. F. J. Ortega Mendoza 2409 16 Feb 1985 - 17 Feb 1985 Venezuela Area limítrofe entre los estados… 3891488 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. W. A. Palacios 675 20 Aug 1985-26 Aug 1985 Ecuador Pastaza Río Curaray, costado sur, alrededores… 807380 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. C. P. G. Feuillet 2870 20 Nov 1985 French Guiana Rémire Ferme Vidal. 3891450 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. J. P. P. Carauta 5266 04 Mar 1986 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Barra do Piraí Mun. Ipiabas,… 807373 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. P. J. Edwards 2339 12 Feb 1987 Brazil Bahia Ilhéus Mun. Ca. 1 km… 1145398 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. A. Fernandez 4051 Mar 1987 Venezuela Bolívar Municipio Raul Leoni. Bosque secundario… 3891478 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. P. J. Edwards 2543 12 Mar 1987 Brazil Roraima Alto Alegre Mun. Reserva Ecológica… 2514473 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. J. J. Pipoly 11444 12 Apr 1987 Guyana East Berbice-Corentyne Canje River, Cow Savanna E… 3891406 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. J. J. Pipoly 11593 14 Apr 1987 Guyana East Berbice-Corentyne W bank Canje River, Cow… 3891403 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. J. J. Pipoly 11703 19 Apr 1987 Guyana East Berbice-Corentyne Torani Canal; ±5-12 km W… 3891414 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. W. J. Hahn 3536 21 Jul 1987 French Guiana Mount Grand Matoury. 3891457 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. S. Tsugaru B-1524 08 Sep 1987 Brazil Espírito Santo Near Rio Nova do Sul,… 1016674 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. J. F. Pruski 3399 7 Oct 1987 Brazil Roraima Ilha de Maracá. SE tip… 2514488 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. M. J. Jansen-Jacobs 772 08 Nov 1987 Guyana Kanuku Mts., slope of Nappi… 3891422 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. S. McDaniel 29689 09 Dec 1987 Peru Loreto Maynas Prov. Dtto. Iquitos. Río… 3891495 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. E. M. Zardini 4968 23 Jun 1988 Paraguay Paraguarí Parque Nacional Ybycui. 1km around… 3891506 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. M. J. Jansen-Jacobs 1792 24 Sep 1989 Guyana Konashen-area, Essequibo River. Secondary vegetation… 3891407 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. M. J. Balick 2624 21 May 1990 Belize Stann Creek Cockscomb Basin, Jaguar Preserve, 10km… 85268
Lygodium volubile Sw. M. J. Balick 2624 21 May 1990 Belize Stann Creek Cockscomb Basin, Jaguar Preserve, 10km… 1042107 Lygodium volubile Sw.
Lygodium volubile Sw. T. D. McDowell 3170 09 Jun 1990 Guyana Cuyuni-Mazaruni Waramaden; 0-2 km upstream of… 3891404 Lygodium volubile Sw.