Displaying 76 - 100 out of 122 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill E. Hassler 8267 s.d. Paraguay 3826175 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill F. J. Fernández Casas FC7553 14 Dec 1982 Paraguay Caaguazú 3826176 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill D. Smith 2753 21 Nov 1982 Peru Pasco Oxapampa Prov. San Gotardo, 36km… 788821 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. B. Walker 603 27 Feb 1994 United States of America Florida Gulf Co. Hwy 386, 5km… 201833
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill F. B. Matos 2358 14 Sep 2013 United States of America New Jersey Burlington Co. Batso Village, Wharton… 02696070 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill E. H. Eames 12,053 27 Sep 1940 United States of America Connecticut Fairfield Co. Inner coastal plain 3505476 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill G.G.F. Herter 32580501 Apr 1926 Uruguay Montevideo Montevideo. Carrasco. 3826183 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill B. Maguire 65606 15 Jan 1981 Venezuela Amazonas Atabapo Mun. Cerro Marahuaca: cumbre,… 01405298 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill R. L. Liesner 24745 13 Oct 1988 - 14 Oct 1988 Venezuela Amazonas Dpto. Atabapo: Cerro Marahuaca. Summit… 3826137 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. L. Luteyn 6245 15 Nov 1978 Venezuela Bolívar Km 118 (old camp at… 3826144 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. A. Steyermark 56187 28 Apr 1944 Venezuela Mérida Between La Trampa and Casadero,… 3826150 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. A. Steyermark 75280 30 Apr 1953 Venezuela Bolívar Large savanna, vicinity of Urimán. 3826188 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. A. Steyermark 128353 30 Jan 1983 - 01 Feb 1983 Venezuela Bolívar Dist, Piar: Macizo del Chimantá.… 3826128 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill G. H. H. Tate 254 19 Oct 1928 Venezuela Esmeralda, East swamp, the Tyler-Duida… 3826148 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill B. Maguire 33175 05 Feb 1952 Venezuela Bolívar Ilu-Tepui, Gran Sabana. Savanna between… 3826133 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill R. Riina 1231 10 Jan 2001 Venezuela Lara P.N. Dinira, laderas nororientales del… 3826143 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. A. Steyermark 57786 22 Aug 1944 Venezuela Territorio Federal Amazonas: between Esmeralda… 3826185 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill B. Maguire 33665 30 Mar 1952 Venezuela Ilu-Tepui, Gran Sabana. Savanna at… 3826189 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. A. Steyermark 93915 15 May 1964 Venezuela Bolívar Expedición Auyan-tepui. Cumbre de la… 3826145 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. A. Steyermark 125965 31 Jan 1982 Venezuela Amazonas Departamento Atabapo: CERRO MARAHUACA -… 3826129 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill B. Maguire 65606 15 Jan 1981 Venezuela Amazonas Cerro Marahuaca. Departamento Atabapo: Cerro… 3826141 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill B. Maguire 35404 25 Feb 1953 Venezuela Amazonas Serranía Yutaje, Rio Manapiare. Up… 3826134 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. A. Steyermark 777 12 Feb 1955 Venezuela Bolívar Chimantá Massif. Central Section. Swampy… 3826132 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. A. Steyermark 777 12 Feb 1955 Venezuela Bolívar Chimantá Massif. Central Section. Swampy… 3826192 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill
Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill J. A. Steyermark 797A 13 Feb 1955 Venezuela Bolívar Chimantá Massif. Central Section. Shrubby… 3826147 Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill