Displaying 6476 - 6500 out of 6515 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray R. D. Thomas 158031 18 Sep 1998 United States of America Arkansas Drew Co. on south side… 3515011 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray R. D. Thomas 167354 15 Sep 2000 United States of America Arkansas Lincoln Co. along Ark. 83… 3515010 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray R. D. Thomas 142817 30 Sep 1994 United States of America Arkansas Chicot Co. Along west bank… 3515012 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray R. M. Harley 16282 21 Feb 1974 Brazil Bahia Cansanção Mun. Lagoa da Eugenia… 486472 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray 1430061 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray 1430345 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray 1430510 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray 1430513 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray A. F. M. Glaziou 13028 June, 1881 [or 1887] Brazil Minas Gerais Près de Barbacena, dans le… 494097 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray S. R. Hill 10563 19 Jul 1981 United States of America Texas Calhoun Co. just S of… 3515014 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray J. G. Jack 6711 22 Nov 1928 Cuba Villa Clara Santa Clara. Limones, Soledad, Cienfuegos 1430344 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray J. G. Jack 6214 09 Aug 1927 Cuba Villa Clara Santa Clara. Belmonte, Soledad, Cienfuegos 1430343 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray 1430512 Ipomoea wrightii A.Gray
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514198 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514199 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514200 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514201 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514202 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514203 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514205 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514206 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514207 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514208 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514209 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.
Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq. 3514210 Ipomoea x leucantha Jacq.