Displaying 7701 - 7725 out of 7737 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Streptocarpus meyeri B.L.Burtt C. E. O. Kuntze s.n. 26 Feb 1894 South Africa Capland Cathcart 05044228 Streptocarpus meyeri B.L.Burtt
Stauranthera 5136890 Stauranthera
Trisepalum birmanicum (Craib) B.L.Burtt 04790546
Trisepalum birmanicum (Craib) B.L.Burtt 04790547
Whytockia tsiangiana (Hand.-Mazz.) A.Weber 04790548
Whytockia tsiangiana (Hand.-Mazz.) A.Weber 4790549
Whytockia tsiangiana (Hand.-Mazz.) A.Weber 4790550
Whytockia sasakii (Hayata) B.L.Burtt 04790551
Whytockia sasakii (Hayata) B.L.Burtt 4790552
Whytockia sasakii (Hayata) B.L.Burtt 4790553
Whytockia sasakii (Hayata) B.L.Burtt 4790554
Whytockia sasakii (Hayata) B.L.Burtt 4790555
Stauranthera umbrosa (Griff.) C.B.Clarke 04790558
Slackia tonkinensis Pellegr. 04790556
Slackia tonkinensis Pellegr. 04790557
Besleria elongata Urb. H. H. Smith 1275 s.d. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent syntype 111423 Besleria elongata Urb.
Alloplectus cristatus var. crenatus C.V.Morton H. H. Smith 147 s.d. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent holotype 111431 Alloplectus cristatus var. crenatus C.V.Morton
Besleria flavovirens Nees & Mart. 04384017 Besleria flavovirens Nees & Mart.
Nematanthus savannarum (C.V.Morton) J.L.Clark N. H. Holmgren 54396 29 Jul 1963 Suriname Wilhelmina Gebergte, Frederik Top, 2.5… 02282440 Nematanthus savannarum (C.V.Morton) J.L.Clark
Cyrtandra pogonantha A.Gray E. Christophersen 2028 15 Jul 1931 Samoa Island of Savaii, Above Matavanu,… 02858560 Cyrtandra pogonantha A.Gray
Cyrtandra compressa C.B.Clarke E. Christophersen 2918 21 Oct 1931 Samoa Island of Savaii, Le To… 02858634 Cyrtandra compressa C.B.Clarke
Cyrtandra pulchella O.Rich ex A.Gray E. Christophersen 1818 24 Jun 1931 Samoa Island of Savaii, Alava ridge 2858569 Cyrtandra pulchella O.Rich ex A.Gray
Cyrtandra richii A.Gray E. Christophersen 2744 24 Sep 1931 Samoa Island of Savaii, Above Salailua 2858573 Cyrtandra richii A.Gray
Cyrtandra richii A.Gray E. Christophersen 3024 31 Oct 1931 Samoa Island of Savaii, Salailua-Lataiuta 2858574 Cyrtandra richii A.Gray
Drymonia 05149710