Displaying 1 - 25 out of 282 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Cereus dasyacanthus var. minor C. Wright A 1851 United States of America New Mexico possible syntype 120575 Cereus dasyacanthus var. minor
Cereus dubius Engelm. C. Wright Q 1851-1852 United States of America New Mexico lectotype 120579 Cereus dubius Engelm.
Cereus dasyacanthus var. minor C. Wright W 1851-1852 United States of America New Mexico possible syntype 120576 Cereus dasyacanthus var. minor
Cereus roetteri Engelm. C. Wright B 1851-1852 United States of America New Mexico possible type 120581 Cereus roetteri Engelm.
Cereus roetteri Engelm. C. Wright B 1851-1852 United States of America New Mexico possible type 120582 Cereus roetteri Engelm.
Cereus stramineus Engelm. C. Wright C 1851-1852 United States of America New Mexico possible type 120583 Cereus stramineus Engelm.
Cereus dasyacanthus var. minor C. C. Parry s.n. 25 Apr 1852 United States of America Texas El Paso Co. Rocky hills… possible syntype 120577 Cereus dasyacanthus var. minor
Cereus chloranthus Engelm. C. Wright s.n. 1852 United States of America New Mexico isolectotype 120573 Cereus chloranthus Engelm.
Cereus hirochtianus C. Wright s.n. 1853-1856 Nicaragua possible type 120588 Cereus hirochtianus
Cereus roetteri Engelm. G. Thurber 192 Apr 1857 United States of America Texas possible type 120580 Cereus roetteri Engelm.
Cereus gonzalezii A.Weber E. Palmer 134 1869 United States of America Arizona Fort Whipple 3858554 Cereus gonzalezii A.Weber
Cereus gummosus Engelm. C. R. Orcutt s.n. 188? Mexico Baja California possible type 120587 Cereus gummosus Engelm.
Cereus pectinatus (Scheidw.) Engelm. Collector unspecified 6219 Sep 1881 United States of America Arizona Apache Pass 3858556 Cereus pectinatus (Scheidw.) Engelm.
Cereus maritimus M.E.Jones M. E. Jones s.n. 12 Apr 1882 Mexico Encenada. isotype 120590 Cereus maritimus M.E.Jones
Cereus phoeniceus var. pacificus Engelm. C. R. Orcutt s.n. 1883 Mexico Baja California probable isotype 120593 Cereus phoeniceus var. pacificus Engelm.
Cereus schottii Engelm. C. G. Pringle s.n. Aug 1884 Mexico Sonora possible type 120597 Cereus schottii Engelm.
Cereus pringlei S.Watson C. G. Pringle s.n. Aug 1884 Mexico Sonora South of the Altar River. possible type 120594 Cereus pringlei S.Watson
Cereus pringlei S.Watson C. G. Pringle s.n. Aug 1884 Mexico Sonora South of the Altar River. possible type 120596 Cereus pringlei S.Watson
Cereus pringlei S.Watson C. G. Pringle s.n. 1884 Mexico possible type 120595 Cereus pringlei S.Watson
Cereus Mill. C. G. Pringle 254 5 Apr 1885 Mexico Chihuahua Hills and plains near Chihuahua. 3858563 Cereus Mill.
Cereus Mill. C. G. Pringle 252 17 Apr 1885 Mexico Chihuahua Chihuahua Mun. hills and plains… 3858562 Cereus Mill.
Cereus hassleri K.Schum. E. Hassler 1716 1885-1895 Paraguay In truncis pr. Cordillera de… possible type 120658 Cereus hassleri K.Schum.
Cereus stenogonus K.Schum. E. Hassler 1149 1885-1895 Paraguay In silvis montanis pr. San… possible type 120663 Cereus stenogonus K.Schum.
Cereus cochal Orcutt C. R. Orcutt s.n. 16 Apr 1886 Mexico Baja California San Quentin. possible type 120586 Cereus cochal Orcutt
Cereus orcuttii C. R. Orcutt s.n. 22 Apr 1886 Mexico Baja California San Quentin. possible type 120592 Cereus orcuttii