Displaying 601 - 611 out of 611 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Carex stipata var. maxima Chapm. ex Boott R. Stalter s.n. 05 May 2015 United States of America South Carolina Georgetown Co. Baruch Institute, Georgetown. 02532706 Carex stipata var. maxima Chapm. ex Boott
Carex stipata var. maxima Chapm. ex Boott J. E. Dorey 801 31 May 2015 United States of America Maryland Worcester Co. Pocomoke State Forest,… 03217539 Carex stipata var. maxima Chapm. ex Boott
Carex stipata var. maxima Chapm. ex Boott 03840398 Carex stipata var. maxima Chapm. ex Boott
Carex stipata var. subsecuta Peck C. H. Peck s.n. United States of America New York Berlin and Portage type 11347 Carex stipata var. subsecuta Peck
Carex stipata var. uberior C.Mohr C. T. Mohr s.n. 26 Apr 1897 United States of America Alabama Mobile River, Mobile. isotype 688241 Carex stipata var. uberior C.Mohr
Carex stipata Willd. P. H. Hawkins s.n. 1906 United States of America Minnesota Saint Louis Co. Duluth. 02591602 Carex stipata Willd.
Carex stipata Willd. 02711755 Carex stipata Willd.
Carex stipata Willd. Austin s.n. s.d. United States of America California Plumas Co. Quincy 03500800 Carex stipata Willd.
Carex stipata Willd. E. Hall 573 1871 United States of America Oregon Oregon 03500802 Carex stipata Willd.
Carex stipata Willd. R. F. C. Naczi 16445 09 Jun 2016 United States of America New York Dutchess Co. 2.0 mi N… 02841386 Carex stipata Willd.
Carex stipata Willd. R. F. C. Naczi 16860 10 Jun 2017 United States of America New York Dutchess Co. 1.7 mi N… 03106599 Carex stipata Willd.