Displaying 1 - 25 out of 503 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Ficus citrifolia Mill. H. E. Box 1448 18 May 1938 Antigua and Barbuda Claremont. Woodlands throughout the island… 1368397 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. R. A. Howard 19345 12 Apr 1979 - 13 Apr 1979 Antigua and Barbuda Redonda, in scattered locations on… 1368427 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. R. S. Cowan 1642 23 Apr 1959 - 24 Apr 1959 Antigua and Barbuda Barbuda. Thorn-forest on thin soil… 1368507 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. A. C. Smith 10482 09 Apr 1956 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua: Slopes and summit of… 1368515 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. J. E. Montes 14635 28 Nov 1955 Argentina Misiones Candelaria (Dept.). Loreto 609554
Ficus citrifolia Mill. E. H. Freid 04-031 07 Jun 2004 Bahamas South Abaco Abaco National Park. 1129015 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. C. F. Millspaugh 2496 26 Jan 1905 Bahamas New Providence Fort Fincastle. 1129035 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. W. C. Coker 512 15 Jul 1903 Bahamas Long Island Clarence Harbor. 1129036 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. Coker 433 09 Jul 1903 Bahamas Cat Island Arthur's Town. 1129037 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. A. H. Curtiss 98 28 Feb 1903 Bahamas New Providence Near Nassau. 1129038 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. A. H. Curtiss 98 28 Feb 1903 Bahamas New Providence Near Nassau. 1129039 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. N. L. Britton 2294 01 Feb 1905 Bahamas Berry Islands Goat Cay. 1129040 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. N. L. Britton 6020 09 Mar 1907 - 10 Mar 1907 Bahamas Conception Island. 1129041 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. N. L. Britton 5860 01 Mar 1907 - 06 Mar 1907 Bahamas Cat Island The Bight and vicinity. 1129042 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. N. L. Britton 6201 15 Mar 1907 Bahamas Watlings Island, Graham's Harbor to… 1129043 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. N. L. Britton 5497 19 Feb 1907 - 20 Feb 1907 Bahamas North Eleuthera Governor's Harbor [Harbour] and vicinity 1129044 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. N. L. Britton 2488 05 Feb 1905 - 13 Feb 1905 Bahamas West Grand Bahama Eight Mile Rocks. 1129045 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. N. L. Britton 5495 19 Feb 1907 - 20 Feb 1907 Bahamas North Eleuthera Governor's Harbor [Harbour] and vicinity 1129046 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. N. L. Britton 2816 19 Feb 1905 Bahamas Cave Cay, Exuma Chain. 1129047 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. J. K. Small 8576 20 Jan 1910 - 22 Jan 1910 Bahamas South Andros Near Deep Creek, Long Bay… 1129053 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. J. K. Small 8913 01 Feb 1910 - 03 Feb 1910 Bahamas North Andros Near Staniard Creek, Northern section. 1129054 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. D. S. Correll 51378-B 21 May 1980 Bahamas North Andros North Andros, about Fresh Creek… 1129058 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. D. S. Correll 41614 28 Feb 1974 Bahamas Inagua At Blakeville Well. 1129059 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. D. S. Correll 42416 25 Jun 1974 Bahamas Exuma In Bahama Sound, 8 East,… 1129060 Ficus citrifolia Mill.
Ficus citrifolia Mill. D. S. Correll 43983 15 Dec 1974 Bahamas North Andros North Andros: Between Nicholls Town… 1129061 Ficus citrifolia Mill.