Displaying 1 - 25 out of 32 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. F. W. Pennell 4431 24 Feb 1918 Colombia Antioquia Antioquia; [Bolivar] bellow Páramo el… 02152318 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. A. S. Pinkus 131 Jan 1939 Venezuela Bolívar Bolivar; Monte Roraima, SW slopes 02152333 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. N. C. Fassett 25699 5 Sep 1944 Colombia Santander Santander; headwaters of Quebrada Chiriviti,… 02152319 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. x D. humboldtii (Klotzsch) Nied. B. Maguire 33324 9 Mar 1952 Venezuela ridge E of Mesa grande,… 02152335 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. x D. humboldtii (Klotzsch) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. B. Maguire 37257 13 Jan 1954 Venezuela Amazonas Amazonas; Cerro de la Neblina,… 02152326 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. A. Steyermark 566 7 Feb 1955 Venezuela Bolívar Bolivar; Chimantá Massif, base of… 02152327 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. x D. humboldtii (Klotzsch) Nied. J. A. Steyermark 1156 26 Feb 1955 Venezuela Bolívar Chimantá massif, SE-facing slopes below… 02152337 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. x D. humboldtii (Klotzsch) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. x D. humboldtii (Klotzsch) Nied. J. A. Steyermark 1156 26 Feb 1955 Venezuela Bolívar Bolivar; Chimantá Massif, Agparaman tepuí,… 02152336 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. x D. humboldtii (Klotzsch) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. x D. humboldtii (Klotzsch) Nied. J. A. Steyermark 1156 26 Feb 1955 Venezuela Bolívar Bolivar; Chimantá Massif, Agparaman tepuí,… 02152338 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. x D. humboldtii (Klotzsch) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. É. André 2975p.p. 17 Jun 1976 Colombia Nariño Pasto Mun. Nariño; Pasto, Páramo… 02152312 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. L. Luteyn 6952 4 Mar 1979 Colombia Cauca Cauca; PNN Puracé, Paletará division,… 02152317 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. L. Luteyn 6926 4 Mar 1979 Colombia Cauca Puracé Mun. Coconuco. Cauca; along… 02152308 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. L. Luteyn 7045 22 Mar 1979 Colombia Antioquia Yarumal Mun. Antioquia; Yarumal-Valdivia road 02152307 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. L. Luteyn 7136 27 Mar 1979 Colombia Antioquia Antioquia; Medellín-Sonsón road, NE of… 02152314 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. G. Lozano M. 3470 29 Jul 1980 Colombia Cauca Puracé Mun. Coconuco. Cauca; Mun.… 02152316 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. A. Steyermark 127988 26 Jan 1983-29 Jan 1983 Venezuela Bolívar Bolivar; Mun. Piar, Macizo del… 02152330 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. A. Steyermark 128305 30 Jan 1983-1 Feb 1983 Venezuela Bolívar Bolivar; Mun. Piar, Macizo del… 02152332 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. A. Steyermark 129524 10 Oct 1983-12 Oct 1983 Venezuela Amazonas Amazonas; Mun. Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca,… 02152331 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. B. Stein 1641 18 Apr 1984 Venezuela Amazonas Amazonas; Cerro de la Neblina,… 02152325 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. L. Luteyn 10208 6 May 1984 Colombia Cauca Cauca; 26 km E of… 02152315 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. L. Luteyn 10588 16 May 1984 Colombia Tolima Tolima; road to Nevado del… 02152309 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. L. Zarucchi 4453 6 Dec 1986 Colombia Antioquia Sonsón Mun. Antioquia; Mun. Sonsón,… 02152313 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. L. Luteyn 12498 6 Apr 1989 Colombia Antioquia Frontino Mun. Antioquia; Mun. Frontino,… 02152320 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. L. Luteyn 13281 7 Jun 1989 Colombia Antioquia Frontino Mun. Antioquia; Mun. Frontino,… 02152321 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.
Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied. J. L. Luteyn 13843 5 Aug 1990 Colombia Nariño Nariño; Reserva Bilógica La Planada,… 02152354 Disterigma staphelioides (G.Planch.) Nied.