Displaying 76 - 78 out of 78 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Disterigma noyesiae Luteyn J. J. Linden 1627 Feb 1842 Nueva Granada, Nevado, Río Hacha 2152097 Disterigma noyesiae Luteyn
Disterigma noyesiae Luteyn W. H. Camp E1690 8 May 1944 Ecuador Napo/Pastaza. Valle of the río… 2152101 Disterigma noyesiae Luteyn
Disterigma noyesiae Luteyn P. J. Grubb 1232 5 Aug 1960 Ecuador Cerro Antisana, 1 mile NE… 2152091 Disterigma noyesiae Luteyn