Displaying 51 - 125 out of 189 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Cephalozia compacta Warnst. L. Loeske s.n. 24 Nov 1895 Germany Mark Brandenburg: Zwischen Zehlendorf und… Original material 1319260 Cephalozia compacta Warnst.
Cephalozia spiniflora Schiffn. F. Hintze s.n. 15 Sep 1912 Germany Pommern: Oberförsterei Koppelsberg, Revier Schlosskämpen… type 1407710 Cephalozia spiniflora Schiffn.
Cephalozia dussii Fulford A. Duss 49& 242 1899-1900 Guadeloupe Rivière Noire (Cascade de Vauchelet);… isotype 567443 Cephalozia dussii Fulford
Alobiella bifida Steph. A. Duss 49& 242 1899-1900 Guadeloupe Rivière Noire (Cascade de Vauchelet);… syntype 567442 Alobiella bifida Steph.
Anomoclada mucosa Spruce H. E. Robinson 85-0024b 16 Oct 1985 Guyana UPPER MAZARUNI DISTRICT: Right bank… 1666360 Anomoclada mucosa Spruce
Hasselia roraimensis Grolle & Gradst. B. M. Boom 8950 29 Jun 1989 Guyana Upper Potaro River region, Wokomung… 1666406 Hasselia roraimensis Grolle & Gradst.
Hasselia roraimensis Grolle & Gradst. B. M. Boom 9253 16 Jul 1989 Guyana Upper Potaro River. Mt. Wokomung… 1666407 Hasselia roraimensis Grolle & Gradst.
Anomoclada mucosa Spruce B. M. Boom 9127 08 Jul 1989 Guyana Upper Potaro River region, Mt.… 1666362 Anomoclada mucosa Spruce
Alobiella campanensis Steph. B. M. Boom 9169 10 Jul 1989 Guyana Upper Potaro River region, upper… 1666343 Alobiella campanensis Steph.
Fuscocephaloziopsis biloba (Herzog) Fulford F. E. Lutz s.n. 19 Jul 1911 Guyana Tukeit [American Museum of Natural… 1666402 Fuscocephaloziopsis biloba (Herzog) Fulford
Haesselia roraimensis Grolle & Gradst. S. R. Gradstein 5100 12 Feb 1985 - 19 Feb 1985 Guyana Upper Mazaruni. North slope of… isotype 713606 Haesselia roraimensis Grolle & Gradst.
Nowellia caribbeania Fulford B. M. Boom 9129 08 Jul 1989 Guyana Upper Potaro Region, Mt. Wokomung… 1666417 Nowellia caribbeania Fulford
Schiffneria levieri Schiffn. Rev. P. Decoly 19 Oct 1899 India Sikkim Propre Kurseong, Mamrim possible authentic 713611 Schiffneria levieri Schiffn.
Cephalozia blepharostoma Spruce V. F. Schiffner 09 May 1894 Indonesia Java Occid.: Prov. Preanger; in… possible type 713600 Cephalozia blepharostoma Spruce
Cephalozia pentagona Schiffn. V. F. Schiffner 07 Apr 1894 Indonesia Java Occid.; Prov. Batavia; ad… possible type 713603 Cephalozia pentagona Schiffn.
Cephalozia pentagona Schiffn. V. F. Schiffner 07 Apr 1894 Indonesia Java Occid.; Prov. Batavia; ad… possible type 713604 Cephalozia pentagona Schiffn.
Alobiella javanica Schiffn. V. F. Schiffner 09 May 1894 Indonesia Java occidentalis; Prov. Preanger; in… 713597 Alobiella javanica Schiffn.
Alobiella javanica Schiffn. V. F. Schiffner 09 May 1894 Indonesia Java occidentalis; Prov. Preanger; in… possible type 713598 Alobiella javanica Schiffn.
Cephalozia connivens var. fumarolae Schiffn. W. E. Nicholson s.n. Aug 1910 Italy Auf warmer, dampfender Erde um… possible type 1319276 Cephalozia connivens var. fumarolae Schiffn.
Cephalozia mayebarae S.Hatt. K. Mayebara s.n. Jun 1947 Japan Kiushiu, Kumamoto, Kuma, Isshoochi isotype 1318990 Cephalozia mayebarae S.Hatt.
Nowellia aciliata (P.C.Chen & P.C.Wu) Mizut. M. Higuchi s.n. 21 Mar 2002 Japan Kagoshima Kumage-gun, Yaku-cho, Yakushima Island, Yodogawa… 4117626 Nowellia aciliata (P.C.Chen & P.C.Wu) Mizut.
Cephalozia siamensis N.Kitag. M. Higuchi s.n. 29 Jul 2007 Malaysia Pahang Mt. Irau-Mt. Brinchang, near Brinchang 4688329 Cephalozia siamensis N.Kitag.
Alobiella bifida Steph. A. Duss 215 1899 Martinique Calebasse syntype 253475 Alobiella bifida Steph.
Odontoschisma cordifolium Steph. G. Munch 5632 21 Dec 1907 Mexico Chiapas Distr. San Cristobal, los Llanos… isotype 613201 Odontoschisma cordifolium Steph.
Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort. R. L. McGregor 790 16 Jul 1963 Mexico San Luis Potosí 4 mi. E Ciudad del… 613204 Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort.
Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis. D. E. Breedlove 67133 06 May 1988 Mexico Chiapas Ocozocoautla de Espinosa Mun. 9… 613203 Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis.
Odontoschisma J. W. Grimes 2730 12 Apr 1985 Mexico Puebla Teziutlán Mun. 12 km W… 613202 Odontoschisma
Cephalozia albescens var. islandica (Nees) Kaal. P. K. H. Dusén s.n. 23 Jun 1899 Norway Jan Mayen: Engelska Bukton 4000375 Cephalozia albescens var. islandica (Nees) Kaal.
Fuscocephaloziopsis macrostachya (Kaal.) Váňa & L.Söderstr. E. Ryan s.n. 21 Apr 1901 Norway Glemminge; auf der Insel Ramholmen… syntype 1319280 Fuscocephaloziopsis macrostachya (Kaal.) Váňa & L.Söderstr.
Cephalozia forficata Spruce R. Spruce Peru Andes Peruviani: M. Guayrapurina isotype 713601 Cephalozia forficata Spruce
Cephalozia forficata Spruce R. Spruce Peru Andes Peruviani: M. Guayrapurina isotype 713602 Cephalozia forficata Spruce
Cephalozia acroscypha Spruce R. Spruce Peru Andes Peruviani: Guayrapurina isotype 713599 Cephalozia acroscypha Spruce
Alobiella campanensis Steph. 395 Peru Andes Peruviani: M. Guayrapurina 1666344 Alobiella campanensis Steph.
Alobiella campanensis Steph. R. Spruce Peru Andes Peruviani: M. Guayrapurina isotype 713596 Alobiella campanensis Steph.
Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr. J.-P. Frahm 1448 16 Sep 1982 Peru Dep. San Martin, Prov. Lamas,… 1666391 Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr.
Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr. J.-P. Frahm 1630 16 Sep 1982 Peru Dep. San Martin, Prov. Lamas,… 1666390 Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr.
Cephalozia subforficata Herzog F. M. Pagán 309 25 Jul 1937 Puerto Rico Finca Sta. Rosa near Los… 561732 Cephalozia subforficata Herzog
Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn. J. A. Shafer 3720 13 Aug 1914 Puerto Rico Sierra de Naguabo, El Duque,… 544874 Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn.
Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn. F. M. Pagán 410 8/3/1937 Puerto Rico Trail to Torito Mt., Bo.… 544876 Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn.
Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn. F. M. Pagán 1037 03 Jul 1939 Puerto Rico El Yunque 544878 Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn.
Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn. B. S. Crandall 461 12-26 Feb 1967 Puerto Rico El Yunque, Sierra de Luquillo 544877 Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn.
Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn. W. R. Buck 16018 04 Jun 1988 Puerto Rico Humacao Caribbean National Forest, Luquillo Division,… 544881 Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn.
Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn. A. W. Evans 56 10 Jul 1902 Puerto Rico El Yunque, Luquilo Mts. 544883 Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn.
Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn. W. D. Reese 14698 04 Mar 1981 Puerto Rico Luquillo Caribbean National Forest, El Yunque… 544880 Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn.
Alobiellopsis dominicensis (Spruce) Fulford N. L. Britton 7240 4, 11 Feb 1923 Puerto Rico Indiera Baja, N of Yauco 544893 Alobiellopsis dominicensis (Spruce) Fulford
Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr. B. M. Thiers 5353 04 Jun 1988 Puerto Rico Caribbean Natioanl Forest: Luquillo Division,… 544899 Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr.
Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr. B. M. Thiers 5271 02 Jun 1988 Puerto Rico Cordillera Central: Caribbean National Forest,… 544900 Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr.
Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr. A. W. Evans 108 12 Jul 1902 Puerto Rico Luquillo Mts., El Yunque 561721 Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr.
Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr. A. W. Evans 135 15 Jul 1902 Puerto Rico Luquillo Mts., El Yunque 561722 Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr.
Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr. A. W. Evans 36 18 Jul 1900 Puerto Rico El Yunque 561723 Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr.
Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr. A. W. Evans 181 18 Jul 1902 Puerto Rico El Yunque, Luquillo Mts. 561724 Fuscocephaloziopsis crassifolia (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Váňa & L.Söderstr.
Odontoschisma denudatum (Nees) Dumort. W. R. Buck 16009 03 Jun 1988 Puerto Rico Mayagüez Maricao State Forest, La Quinta… 561772 Odontoschisma denudatum (Nees) Dumort.
Odontoschisma longiflorum (T.Taylor) Steph. A. A. Heller 1140 13 Apr 1899 Puerto Rico N side Luquillo Mts. 561754 Odontoschisma longiflorum (T.Taylor) Steph.
Odontoschisma longiflorum (T.Taylor) Steph. A. A. Heller 1148 13 Apr 1899 Puerto Rico N side Luquillo Mts. 561755 Odontoschisma longiflorum (T.Taylor) Steph.
Odontoschisma longiflorum (T.Taylor) Steph. A. A. Heller 1151 13 Apr 1899 Puerto Rico N side Luquillo Mts. 561756 Odontoschisma longiflorum (T.Taylor) Steph.
Odontoschisma longiflorum (T.Taylor) Steph. W. C. Steere 5817 31 Dec 1939 Puerto Rico Km 14, road between Maricao… 561777 Odontoschisma longiflorum (T.Taylor) Steph.
Odontoschisma longiflorum (T.Taylor) Steph. A. A. Heller 1148 Mar 1899 Puerto Rico Aibonito? 561778 Odontoschisma longiflorum (T.Taylor) Steph.
Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort. B. M. Thiers 5343 04 Jun 1988 Puerto Rico Caribbean National Forest: Luquillo Division,… 561788 Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort.
Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort. B. M. Thiers 5262 01 Jun 1988 Puerto Rico Maricao State Forest, across from… 561789 Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort.
Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort. W. D. Reese 14622 02 Mar 1981 Puerto Rico Cordillera Central, along Hwy 518,… 561790 Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort.
Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis. F. M. Pagán 479 17 Aug 1937 Puerto Rico El Yunque 561757 Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis.
Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis. F. M. Pagán 205 14 Jul 1937 Puerto Rico Maricao 561760 Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis.
Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis. M. A. Howe 1090 19 Mar 1906 Puerto Rico Mount Morales, near Utuado 561758 Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis.
Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis. W. R. Buck 16089 09 Jun 1988 Puerto Rico Caguas Reserva Forestal Carite at intersections… 561773 Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis.
Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis. W. R. Buck 3849 01 Mar 1981 Puerto Rico Cordillera Central, along Hwy 105,… 561775 Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis.
Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis. W. R. Buck 3625 25 Feb 1981 Puerto Rico Caribbean National Forest, Luquillo Division,… 561776 Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis.
Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis. W. D. Reese 14395 25 Feb 1981 Puerto Rico Caribbean National Forest, Luquillo Division,… 561774 Odontoschisma variabile (Lindenb. & Gottsche) Trevis.
Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn. E. G. Britton 7727 23-26 Feb 1923 Puerto Rico Catalina-Yunque Trail, Luquillo Mts. 544879 Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn.
Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn. E. G. Britton 7728 23-26 Feb 1923 Puerto Rico Catalina-Yunque Trail, Luquillo Mts. 544875 Alobiella husnoti (Gottsche) Schiffn.
Odontoschisma denudatum (Nees) Dumort. E. G. Britton 2656 03 Apr 1913 Puerto Rico Mt. Alegrillo 561753 Odontoschisma denudatum (Nees) Dumort.
Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort. E. G. Britton 7740 23-26 Feb 1923 Puerto Rico Catalina-Yunque Trail, Luquillo Mountains 561791 Odontoschisma sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort.
Cephalozia otaruensis Steph. V. A. Bakalin P-36-16-15 08 Jul 2015 Russia Primorsky Khasanskiy (Distr.). Kedrovaya Pad' Nature… 4272983 Cephalozia otaruensis Steph.
Fuscocephaloziopsis leucantha (Spruce) Váňa & L.Söderstr. K. G. Klimova Prim-124-47-17 02 Oct 2017 Russia Primorsky Lazovskiy (Distr.). Sikhote-Alin Mts. (southern… 4272990 Fuscocephaloziopsis leucantha (Spruce) Váňa & L.Söderstr.
Hygrobiella intermedia Bakalin & Vilnet V. A. Bakalin K-48-13-07 27 Aug 2007 Russia Russian Far East: Kurile Islands,… isotype 2280804 Hygrobiella intermedia Bakalin & Vilnet
Hygrobiella squamosa Bakalin & Vilnet V. A. Bakalin K-67-2-04 05 Jul 2004 Russia Commander Islands: Mednyi Island, along… isotype 2280805 Hygrobiella squamosa Bakalin & Vilnet