Displaying 26 - 50 out of 1666 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Pithecellobium divaricatum Benth. L. Riedel 1295 Jul 1828 Brazil Pará In sylva umbr. prope Borba. isotype 21277 Pithecellobium divaricatum Benth.
Pithecellobium divaricatum Benth. L. Riedel s.n. Jul 1828 Brazil Borba. possible isotype 21278 Pithecellobium divaricatum Benth.
Pithecellobium divaricatum Benth. W. C. Steward 502 22-Jan-78 Brazil Amazonas Rio Negro, near Rio Jaui. 01298527 Pithecellobium divaricatum Benth.
Pithecellobium eperuetorum Sandwith D. B. Fanshawe F1434 10 Nov 1943 Guyana 30 m. Bartica-Potaro Road isotype 334658 Pithecellobium eperuetorum Sandwith
Pithecellobium glabratum Mart. Martii Herbar. Florae Brasil. 1092 s.d. Brazil Brasilia possible type 334659 Pithecellobium glabratum Mart.
Pithecellobium inaequale (Willd.) Benth. A. H. Gentry 18321 15 Mar 1977 Peru Loreto Maynas Prov. East of Puerto… 01298861 Pithecellobium inaequale (Willd.) Benth.
Pithecellobium inaequale (Willd.) Benth. C. M. Peters 150 17 Dec 1985 Peru Loreto Requena Prov. Rio Iricahua near… 01298860 Pithecellobium inaequale (Willd.) Benth.
Pithecellobium laxiflorum Rusby M. Bang 6215 1890 Bolivia Yungas holotype 334670 Pithecellobium laxiflorum Rusby
Pithecellobium lehmannii Harms F. C. Lehmann 8989 May 1898 Colombia In forests on Río Cofre… isotype 334671 Pithecellobium lehmannii Harms
Pithecellobium macbridei C.Barbosa G. Klug 572 Oct-Nov 1929 Peru Loreto Mishuyacu, near Iquitos holotype 334677 Pithecellobium macbridei C.Barbosa
Pithecellobium martinianum Standl. G. Klug 4149 May 1935 Peru San Martín Chazuta, Río Huallaga isotype 1239533 Pithecellobium martinianum Standl.
Pithecellobium oriundum J.F.Macbr. E. P. Killip 28273 26 Aug 1929-31 Aug 1929 Peru Loreto Between Yurimaguas and Balsapuerto (lower… isotype 334689 Pithecellobium oriundum J.F.Macbr.
Pithecellobium palmanum Standl. A. M. Brenes 5496 20 May 1927 Costa Rica Alajuela La Palma de San Ramón isotype 329618 Pithecellobium palmanum Standl.
Pithecellobium pilosulum Pittier H. M. Curran 88 1916 Colombia Bolívar Near San Martín de Loba isotype 21286 Pithecellobium pilosulum Pittier
Pithecellobium ramiflorum Benth. L. Riedel 1342 1828 Brazil In sylv. primar. locis arenosis… isotype 334699 Pithecellobium ramiflorum Benth.
Pithecellobium solomonii Barbosa J. C. Solomon 7317 24 Mar 1982 Bolivia La Paz Nor Yungas Prov. 4.3 km.… isotype 334701 Pithecellobium solomonii Barbosa
Pithecellobium solomonii Barbosa J. C. Solomon 7317 24 Mar 1982 Bolivia La Paz Nor Yungas Prov. 4.3 km.… isotype 334702 Pithecellobium solomonii Barbosa
Pithecellobium turneri McVaugh R. McVaugh 20980 12 Nov 1960 Mexico Jalisco Hills between Bahia Navidad, and… isotype 329631 Pithecellobium turneri McVaugh
Senna obliqua (G.Don) H.S.Irwin & Barneby J. G. Graham 427 11 Jul 1998 Peru Ucayali Province: Coronel Portillo. Distrito de… 1746596 Senna obliqua (G.Don) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
Zygia V. de F. Mansano 824 21 May 2011 Brazil Pará Itaituba Mun. Parque Nacional da… 02714365 Zygia
Zygia H. Medeiros 1833 7 Jun 2015 Brazil Rondônia Ji-Paraná Mun. Reserva Biológica do… 04274618 Zygia
Zygia D. Cárdenas-López 45803 9 Mar 2016 Colombia Caquetá Belén de los Andaquies Mun.… 03599566 Zygia
Zygia G. Sánchez Cruz 14 11 May 2007 Mexico Oaxaca Matías Romero Mun. Región: Istmo.… 01256479
Zygia A. S. Tavares 310 1-Nov-87 Brazil Pará Anajás Mun. Ilha de Marajó,… 01299106 Zygia
Zygia R. Seidel 2727 24 Aug 1989 Bolivia La Paz Sud Yungas Prov. Concesión de… 01300592 Zygia