Displaying 1 - 6 out of 6 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Calyptranthes A. J. Henderson 422 09 May 1985 Brazil Amazonas Borba Mun. BR 230 Estrada… 1418821 Calyptranthes
Calyptranthes macrophylla O.Berg E. G. Holt 398 04 Feb 1930 - 05 Feb 1930 Brazil Amazonas Cucuhy, Rio Negro 1418579 Calyptranthes macrophylla O.Berg
Calyptranthes macrophylla O.Berg D. C. Daly 8683 21 Nov 1995 Brazil Acre Tarauacá Mun. Basin of Rio… 1413952 Calyptranthes macrophylla O.Berg
Calyptranthes macrophylla O.Berg B. A. Krukoff 5498 Brazil Acre Basin of Rio Purus, near… 866667 Calyptranthes macrophylla O.Berg
Calyptranthes speciosa Sagot A. S. Tavares 374 14 Nov 1987 Brazil Pará Ilha de Marajó, rio Cururu,… 1418615 Calyptranthes speciosa Sagot
Calyptranthes speciosa Sagot H. T. Beck 209 28 Oct 1987 Brazil Pará Ilha de Marajó. Rio Anajás 2282452 Calyptranthes speciosa Sagot